Monday, November 9, 2009

Why Should People of Faith Care?

In a new weekly series, we will be showcasing different resources from our website.
This week, we look at the section titled “Why should people of faith care?” It’s a question a lot of people ask us here are Faithful Voices. It’s true, there are so many things in this world to care about. Why should Marriage Equality be one of them?
From our website:
“All across Iowa, in many families and faith communities, Iowans are thoughtfully talking about whether and how to recognize a life commitment made by two men or two women in love. People of faith and goodwill who support marriage equality come to this place from a few different directions.”

To read more go here.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Don't let what happened in Maine happen in Iowa!

Here, on The Advocate, you can read about how a ballot measure to strike down Maine's gay marriage law passed yesterday.
While being sad and angry at this turn of events, we at Faithful Voices are looking towards the future, to the work still to be done, and to the hope tomorrow still holds.

Again, our Statewide Conference on Marriage Equality is going to provide skills and tools for people of faith to use so that what happened in Maine does not happen in Iowa. In addition to the workshops on dealing with conflict in congregations and having difficult conversations, there will also be workshops on advocacy and action. If you are someone who has decided how they feel about this issue, and decided you care about equality and protecting the separation between church and state, then please come to the conference and learn the skills to turn this belief into action. If you aren't sure about the issue yet, there are other workshops that will appeal to you.

You can register for the event on our website.